About Me

View key details about the selected employee, such as employee number, job title, contact information, and a view resume link. The options that you see depend on your permissions and whether or not your company has licensed the Core HR module.


The About Me section is the area to the left of the profile, with the employee name and photo at the top. If the Core HR module is in use, some fields have effective dating functionality that allows you to view history. Click the History icon to view history data such as the effective date for the change, the old and new values, and the reason for the change.

Field Description

The employee name displays across the top of the page, with a date that indicates when the profile was last modified. An Edit Edit icon displays if you have permission to edit the employee name. If the Core HR module is in use, and you have enabled the Pronouns feature, employees with Edit permissions can select preferred pronouns when editing their name.

Areas of Expertise

If the Areas of Expertise feature is enabled, you can add a list of skills beneath your name. Use this text field to display anything you want to highlight about yourself. Access is granted via the View Areas of Expertise and Edit Areas of Expertise features and is also determined by the logged in user's role in relation to the employee, and for Employee, Manager, and HRBP users, by Self-Service administration permissions. For example, when the Global Edit Areas of Expertise feature is enabled, and the Areas of Expertise section is enabled on the Manager tab of Self-Service Administration, a member of the Manager role can edit the skills of employees who report to that manager. You can also edit your own record, if the Areas of Expertise section is enabled on the Employee tab of Self-Service Administration. With the View Areas of Expertise feature enabled for your role, you can view the skills listed for other employees.


An employee, their manager, or an HR Business Partner with Edit access rights can add or change the profile photo by hovering over the photo or placeholder and clicking Upload Image.

View Résumé

Click to view the employee's résumé in the Résumé Dashboard.

Employee Number

The employee number is a unique numeric identifier.

User Login

This is the username used to log in to Deltek Talent Management.


The value in this field indicates of the employment status. This value is based on the Original Hire Date, Rehire Date, or Termination Date. This field displays Active if the current date is between an employee's original Hire Date (or Rehire Date) and Termination Date.

Job Title

This field displays the employee's title. Hover over the name to view details. Click the job title to view details on the Job Profile page. If an Edit icon displays, click to display the Job Title dialog, where administrators can edit job related details, including Job Title, Effective Date, Annual Rate, Manager, and more.

Home Company

This field displays the employee's Home Company, at the top level of the organization structure.

Your Organization

This field displays the employee's Organization unit.


This field displays the office location to which the employee is assigned.

Contact Information

This field lists available contact information.


This field displays the name of the manager to whom you report.

Exemption Type

This field displays the tax exempt status, such as Exempt or Non-Exempt.

Original Date of Hire

This is the date on which you were hired at the company. This displays only if you have not licensed the Core HR Module.

Start Date (Current Position)

This the date on which you started at your current position (title). This displays only if you have not licensed the Core HR Module.

Hire Date (Current Position)

This is the date on which you were hired at your current position. This displays only if you have not licensed the Core HR Module.